September 11, 2001
We Will Never Forget

You Are Not Forgotten/ MIA

About Us
We enjoy a great club because of our members' loyalty, dedication and service.
We are a Fishing Club located South West of Chicago. Fish Tales Fishing Club was founded in 1989 to promote the sport of fishing among families
and individuals, young and old, non-disabled and disabled, with the purpose of improving the skill of anglers through an open exchange of ideas and methods.
Our meetings are held on the Third Thursday of each month at the Worth Township Offices, 11601 S. Pulaski Rd., Alsip, IL, USA. Our members' dedication extends well beyond our club. We're committed to club outreach initiatives which are very important to our members, their families and our communities.
Third Thursday Meetings
In order to facilitate those members who cannot attend the in-person meetings, we will be broadcasting it, LIVE, via Zoom. A recording of the meeting will be available to members,
The meetings start at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm.
There is a 50/50 Split the Pot Raffle, a Table Raffle and Fishing Reports.
When meeting in person, we offer coffee, water, pop, snacks and sweets.
A big part of our club is learning from speakers who often come to share their time and expertise with us during our General Meetings.
A notable exception to the monthly meeting schedule is in December, when we have our club Christmas Party.
In addition to the General Meetings and Christmas Party, we hold a Summer Picnic and a Fall Fish Fry. A monthly newsletter is included, along with access to the Members Login area of the site, where we post details on upcoming Club Trips, Special Events, Community Volunteer Opportunities with the club, photos, fishing videos and -- of course -- our members' fishing tales and tips.
Membership Fees
Annual Dues are only $50 per year.
Non-members, there is a Guest Fee at the door of $5.00 for attending.
If you decide to join before the end of the next two meetings, the $5.00 will go toward your annual dues.
If you are interested in joining our club, come to a meeting.
For full details, visit our Join Us page.​
See you at the next meeting!